July 23, 2010

UnReel Headline: Squirrel Juice

Cat Playing Piano Has Nothing on these Guys!

You'd expect a lot from a bottle of beer costing $765. What you get is 55 percent alcohol — and served in a squirrel.

As if sitting around in a trailer park giving your siblings hickies weren't back water enough, now combine your favorite beverage served chilled...inside road kill.

Just 12 bottles were made and the company has already sold out. They will be shipped out to buyers in the United States, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Scotland and England next week.

At almost $800 a bottle, I am shocked that the Scottish firm BrewDog were able to sell all 12 bottles without accepting food stamps. But at a whopping 55%, some brother sister couple are going to have the most romantic deer meat and Weasel drunk night of their inbred lives.

The name of the blond Belgian ale is taken from the title of a book by philosopher Francis Fukuyama, "The End of History and the Last Man" which the company said had been chosen to imply "this is to beer what democracy is to history." Because nothing says class like naming roadkill encased booze after a philosophical writing.

And in case you were wondering how many animals were killed to make this product, James Watt, co-founder of BrewDog says, "The dead animals which were used to create the beers' unusual appearance were four squirrels, seven weasels and a hare. All were roadkill."

What a beautiful story. Is it sad if I actually want one of these?

Original Story here

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