August 05, 2010

UnReel Stories: The Muffin Monologues: Two Muffins in a Stove

...Two Muffins were sitting in a stove...

Two Muffins were sitting in a stove. The first muffin, a slightly over-weight muffin named Francis, looked over to the heavy brown stranger muffin that sat cooking beside him.

"Dude...I'm baked." He said, breaking the awkward silence. After a slight pause, the brown muffin turned slowly to face Francis.

"Did you say something?" The brown muffin replied.

Francis looked down, obviously thinking deeply before answering.

"Yes. I believe so."

"Were you talking to me?" The brown muffin asked.

Francis looked around the empty stove, in which they were the only two present. He opened his mouth to answer, but instead quickly did a 360 turn around to make sure there wasn't anyone behind him that he hadn't seen previously. After realizing that it was in fact just the two of them, he continued to answer the brown muffin.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" Francis finally replied.

"Yes, I asked if you were talking to me." The brown muffin asked.

After taking another moment to think, Francis spoke, "Do you find it a little odd that we are two types of bread that are baked in small portions, shaped somewhat like small cakes or cupcakes, although we usually are not as sweet as cupcakes and generally lack frosting, sitting in a stove, and strangest of all, we are able to communicate with each other?"

The words seemed to hit the brown muffin on an intellectual level. He seemed to dwell on his existence for a moment, then suddenly looking up, he asked, "What's frosting?"

Francis, who's attention had wandered off looked up completely startled. He looked at the brown muffin, then around the stove, then back at the brown muffin, before screaming at the top of his lungs,


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