Equal Rights: The concept that every person is to be treated equally by the law
*** I understand that this is a touchy subject, and I would like to say that I will tread lightly, but this would be a lie. So before I begin on this rant, I must apologize for not apologizing. If you are offended by this post, than you are supposed to be. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am NOT racist, nor sexist, and am actually extremely liberal and very open minded. Too many people notice this, yet no one seems to say anything, so I figure this needs to be said. ***
I will start with homosexuality, since this is a big one in the news right now.
I am all for same sex marriage. Love is love, and has absolutely no criteria. You love someone for who they are on the inside and not the outside, and love should never be defined nor restricted by appearance, whether it be a scar on their face, a receding hairline, overweight, or even having the same junk as you do in their pants.
But I digress, this is not the point of this post. It's actually about equal rights...or the lack there of in America. Like I said previously, I completely agree with equality and same-sex relationships, but what I DON'T agree with the concept that is Gay Pride. If you want to be equal, than stop making yourself stand apart. I don't care if you paint "Gay & Proud" on your back then walk topless down the street. Doesn't bother me at all. Married people wear rings on their finger or T-shirts that say "Just Married" and even paint it on their car. Same concept essentially. A man and woman can kiss in public. A man and a man can kiss in public. And yes, even a woman and a woman can kiss and public, and even some necking if they want. But for the love of God, if people get offended...don't automatically assume that it's because you are gay. Yes, the anti-homosexuals are still out there, lurking, waiting to jump out with a gay hate sign, but this is a new generation that for the most part is very open, give for the uptight rednecks and conservatives who fear change. But how about before assuming it's because you're gay, maybe it's because you should stop flaunting your personal moments in a public place. I have just as much a problem with a straight couple making out in public than a same sex couple. It's not about gender. Its about keeping your private stuff private.

It doesn't matter who you are. You could be completely awesome Tito Ortiz and completely hot porn star Jenna Jameson...still disgusting, still inappropriate in public.
The point I'm trying to make is this: You don't see different sex couples walking around with shirts that say: "Straight and Proud". We don't have a parade celebrating our straightness. We don't have straight colors or straight shapes. If you want equality, than act like it.

And this isn't just aimed as homosexuals. It applies to EVERYONE! I saw a black women in Wal-Mart the other day with a shirt that said: "My Prez is Black". I understand that this is a proud moment in both black history and American history. We have come a long way, and yes we have even farther to go from here. I voted for Obama. I was so excited to see that we finally brought someone into office, not because of their race, but for their beliefs, and their promise for change. But once again, if you want to be treated equally, act like it. Take the equal treatment, both good and bad. You should not be able to choose when equality applies. If a white man wears a shirt that says "My president is white" It's racist! Why the hell does it matter what color anyone is?! There is no white history month! There is no college that only lets in whites! There are no college funds JUST for the white kids! And the same thing applies to women!
I am ALL for progression in equality, but how is it equal that when a white man applies for a job, a women or a black man has to be considered first? What ever happened to just deciding on qualifications?
I'm just so tired of people using race, gender, or sexual preference as a crutch or an excuse. You can fight for equality, you know, the idea that everyone is created equal, but don't complain for being treated different when you yourself have things just for you.
No one cares if you're proud to be a woman. No one cares that you're proud to be black, asian, or middle eastern. If you want the world to treat you equally, start by treating yourself equally. Change begins with you. If you are going to be proud of something, be proud to make a difference. Be proud that race or gender or sexuality means absolutely nothing. Because if you flaunt gay pride, black power, or even white power, you are just as guilty and close minded as the people you are fighting against.
And I will end this rant with two things. First a quote that many have heard, yet some have misunderstood:
"And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
And also this beautiful moment: